About this weather station:
Latitude: | 60° 19.58' N |
Longitude: | 005° 17.75' E |
Altitude: | 65 meters |
The hardware is a Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with 24-Hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield and the software used is 'weewx'
Weewx uptime: 24 days, 17 hours, 1 minute
Server uptime: 167 days, 23 hours, 40 minutes
weewx v4.10.2
Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: | 07:26:23 |
Sunrise: | 08:09:23 |
Transit: | 13:25:25 |
Sunset: | 18:40:16 |
End civil twilight: | 19:23:08 |
Azimuth: | 130.1° |
Altitude: | 12.4° |
Right ascension: | 197.1° |
Declination: | -7.3° |
Solstice: | 21/12/24 10:20:18 |
Equinox: | 20/03/25 10:01:12 |
Rise: | 18:08:02 |
Transit: | 20:33:37 |
Set: | 23:10:18 |
Azimuth: | 44.3° |
Altitude: | -50.6° |
Right ascension: | 298.5° |
Declination: | -26.6° |
Full moon: | 17/10/24 13:26:18 |
New moon: | 01/11/24 13:47:03 |
Phase: | First quarter (56% full) |